Why I love skin-to-skin (and why YOU might, too!)


If you’re an expecting or new mom, its likely that you’ve heard about Skin-to-Skin contact (also called kangaroo care!) Skin-to-Skin contact is widely recommended following labor as it has many wonderful benefits for both mom and baby. Starting skin-to-skin contact immediately after the birth of your newborn can help with:

  • Initiating breastfeeding

  • Temperature regulation

  • Respiration

  • Heart rate 

  • Metabolism

  • Decreasing stress for BOTH mom and baby

  • Promote bonding and release of hormones (hello, oxytocin)

During the first few weeks postpartum, skin-to-skin contact can be completed in the home as much as possible. This can be done by placing the baby (in diaper only) directly on the caregiver’s skin so that the skin of the caregiver and the baby are touching as much as possible. Feel free to place a blanket over baby’s back for additional warmth. Baby can be oriented chest to chest with the caregiver with airways clear and open. 

One of the reasons I love skin-to-skin so much is that it not only benefits the newborn, but has so many additional benefits for the mama, too! 

Did you know…

Skin to skin contact can be done by ANYONE? That’s right! Allowing another caregiver to provide skin-to-skin time with your newborn will still give your little one the benefits mentioned above, and will also give you time to step away, shower, take a break, go on a walk, whatever you’re ready for, and still know that your baby is being well taken care of and benefitting from this time apart.

Allowing for another caregiver to provide skin-to-skin with your baby can also allow for THEM to bond with your newborn. Many fathers and other caregivers report that they feel less bonded with their newborns than they would like and feel like they’re unable to adequately help out in the home postpartum. Skin-to-skin is a fabulous way for other caregivers to bond and contribute to caring for the newborn (while giving mama a much-need break!)

Skin-to-skin can also help new moms to feel more confident, in-control, relaxed, and bonded with their newborns. The hormones that are released during skin-to-skin contact flood your body and can help you feel more in-tune with your role as mom, and can actually help you to feel more confident and competent as a new mama.

Additionally, regular skin-to-skin contact during the early postpartum period can help promote positive breastfeeding outcomes. Making the chest a comfortable, warm, inviting, and non-threatening environment, can help mom and baby to bond and more easily relax into breastfeeding. Spending time on mom or another caregiver’s chest can provide calming sensory input to the newborn which helps them feel safe, and calm, and ultimately can invite a more relaxed breastfeeding experience for mom and baby.

Skin-to-skin can be practiced at anytime and even weeks and months postpartum.  There are so many wonderful benefits for caregivers and babies during skin-to-skin and it is such a simple and peaceful practice over time. 

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Goodbye 2020, hello new motherhood!


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