Why Choose Holistic Postpartum Care?

The word “holistic” has been trendy in the wellness and healthcare sectors during the past decade. It means that the whole body, mind, and social/physical environment are taken into account during treatment. Although not all providers use this model, it is very important that a holistic view of momma and baby be considered during postpartum care. We understand this model when buying a house (location, foundation, appearance, “feel”) so why don’t we consider it for ourselves?

Whether you’re expecting, planning for pregnancy, or just had your (first, second, fifth…) newborn, understand momma, that YOU are not alone. I designed Motion in Motherhood to offer services to new families in the comfort of their home. Not only will I assess your physical pain (nipple pain, back pain, hand/wrist pain, etc.), I also consider your level of fatigue, overwhelm, anxiety, and level of support available. Don’t worry, ALL new moms have these same difficulties. Whether or not they are vocal about it or post it on their social media, it's there.

I’ve heard time and time again that moms were not adequately prepared for what was to come after childbirth. You’ve done this amazingly hard thing and return home with your newborn, but now what? You know how many diapers your baby needs to produce, and how much they need to feed and sleep, but what do you know about YOUR recovery? Many moms, after giving birth report being exhausted, anxious, overwhelmed, in pain and so unsure of themselves. While this is very common, it is NOT how your postpartum journey has to be. There are tangible, simple ways to gain control of your daily tasks, prevent pain, and CONFIDENTLY feed and care for your baby and YOURSELF! Motion in Motherhood was designed to walk you through this journey by making realistic and actionable goals to get you moving forward and taking control in a way that is meaningful for you.

Let’s use physical pain as our example. Together, we will target and get rid of this pain and allow you to get back to being your best momma self. We also determine the CAUSE of the pain, so we can prevent it from happening in the future (or know what to do if it comes back). This is why I am proud to offer an ergonomic nursery design while you’re expecting. How many diapers do you expect to change each day (hint, can be around 10 per day)…if your nursery is set up so that you’re constantly twisting and bending to get those diapers, your back will be on fire soon enough.

Many of you probably do not know what occupational therapy is. Many ask, “does that mean finding people jobs? I already have a job…”. If you didn’t know what it was until now, don’t feel bad, you’re certainly not alone. Occupational therapy is the practice of increasing your independence in completing meaningful daily tasks (your goals). We are taught both medical and holistic practices during our graduate education. Occupational therapists are skilled at breaking down daily activities such as feeding, sleeping, and holding your baby, into components or individual parts to find where the difficulty or pain is occurring. We then adapt or correct the activity to ensure you can reach your goals in ways that fits your needs and environment. For example, if your posture during breastfeeding is causing neck pain, I won’t tell you to go buy a fancy chair, we will simply find adaptations that work and are already available to you (another chair, a different breastfeeding position, etc.) This method of treatment is designed to empower you and target YOUR goals efficiently and safely. Think of how much better you would feel about feeding your baby, if you didn’t have to deal with the physical pain it is causing you!

Occupational therapy (OT), is built as a holistic practice. That means during our evaluation and treatment sessions, I will take into account your home environment, support level, mental and psychological state, physical abilities, and resources available to you. My only goal for you, is that you are able to achieve YOUR goals in a meaningful way. I promise not to load you up with exercises that you don’t have time to complete, or convince you of another way to do things because I think its better. This is your body, your baby, your home. We will set goals that are achievable and realistic for you so that you can feel CONFIDENT in being the best momma you can be. 


Why I love skin-to-skin (and why YOU might, too!)