Our Services

Let us come to you

All services are offered in the comfort of your home and are tailored to individual and family needs

*Virtual sessions are also available in the state of South Carolina


Developmental Milestones

Learn gentle techniques to facilitate age-appropriate milestones and body symmetry for your little one


Goal Setting

Employ energy conservation techniques and realistic goals to maximize quality time with your loved ones


Address supply, latching, pumping, positioning, bottle feeding, tongue tie, lip tie, and common difficulties related to feeding



Relieve common sources of postpartum pain including breastfeeding or pumping pain and prevent repeated strain and postural issues

Oral Ties

Learn how ties affect your baby’s feeding, digestion, regulation, and movement patterns and how to improve all areas of function



Prepare baby for optimal outcomes after frenectomy by improving function and feeding skills before releasing oral ties

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Let us help you prepare for your newborn.

We offer in-home consultations to educate you about infant feeding and development before baby arrives.

How it works

Baby and toddler and mom


Contact us today to see how Motion in Motherhood can help you achieve your feeding goals

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Motion in Motherhood will come to your home to complete a 60-minute evaluation and create a holistic treatment plan for you and your baby based on your unique goals and home environment

*Online sessions also available

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Motion in Motherhood will guide you to reach your goals of confidently nourishing your newborn, preparing for tongue tie release, facilitating milestones and engaging with your little one

Motion in Motherhood is out-of-network with insurance. We will provide you with an invoice which you can submit to insurance for reimbursement upon request. We accept HSA/FSA, cash, check, and credit card payments which are due at the time of service.

We also participate with The Lactation Network which offers full services coverage at no cost to you for some insurance plans. Contact us to find out if your plan might be eligible.

Give the gift of Motion in Motherhood. Take care of your friends and family in their journey after labor. Inquire about our gift cards today!